👀 Overview

Below, I provide a brief overview of the project's background and results. If you're interested in understanding directly how I arrived at this solution, please skip to My Role & Process section.

👂 Background

A crucial aspect of our job-seeking platform's growth is the users' propensity to return. However, we've observed a limited number of returning users. This trend results in higher costs to continuously acquire new users, with few of them revisiting our platform. Upon investigation and feedback collection, it appears that a primary concern is the lack of job recommendations that align with their profiles.

📏 Formulating Hypothesis

Based on our findings, we've developed the following hypotheses:

👂 Ideation Process

Upon forming our hypotheses, we initiated the ideation process:

🤭 Results

Improved job matching aligned with users' profiles resulted in a 53% surge in job applications. This refinement also assisted recruiters in identifying more fitting candidates for their job listings.

My Profile

My Profile

Jobs Curated for Me

Jobs Curated for Me