Role : CXO

Table of contents :

🎞️  Overview Project

Sirkular aims to be the leading integrated platform between BSF cultivators and catfish farmer in optimizing the digitalization of the usage of organic waste for improving people's welfare, building the circular economy ecosystem, and continuously innovating ways to connect the production and distribution systems from both the BSF (Black Larva Soldier) and fish cultivators.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦  Team

Safira Salsabillah - CEO

Abdul Wahid - COO

Selvie - CXO

🎫  Social Issues

Black Larva Soldier (BSF) larvae are voracious eaters that can process the low-grade food waste into body mass quickly which contains high essential protein, fatty acids, and minerals. They occupied little space to grow, producing a far smaller carbon footprint than other protein resources. Although BSF technology is still in its infancy, stakeholder interest is steadily growing over the year (Forward, 2018). However, this growing interest is inversely proportional to the knowledge, technology, and business model of the BSF itself.

<aside> 👩 Leni (32), an individual BSF cultivator from Padalarang, mentioned her hardships in production and distribution aspects from controlling the BSF breeding process, promoting and selling the BSF end products which causing revenue loss.


Her lack of understanding about BSF is the main reason for these ongoing problems. Also, the limitation of BSF's product channel distribution contributed to holding the business sustainability. Through our AI-based platform, we digitalize the monitoring process of the BSF development; personalized action recommendations; simplify the BSF learning material through open discussions and expert consultations in future milestones; and integrate the distribution channel to a wider marketplace.

🥽  Products and Services

After learning a lot of pain points from BSF communities, Sirkular provides virtual assistance and community-building media for the BSF cultivators. We develop an AI-based platform in accommodating the cultivators' hardships in controlling parametric measurement for BSF's development through AI personalized recommendations, open community discussions, and expert consultations. As the reproduction process is one of the hardest parts of BSF cultivations, we build a BSF insectary for an easier production process. Sirkular also supports the BSF cultivators by preparing the end product's distribution under connecting the marketplace directly to the catfish farmers. The decision for catfish is due to its massive consumption of BSF end products. We purposefully create a platform for connecting the BSF cultivators and catfish farmers to connect, support, empower the two growing communities in Indonesia for the circular economy ecosystem actualization.


Services → we are providing an application for

⛳  Goals