👂 Context

Why the page should be refined?

After analyzing the website performance during Finku's beta launch, I found that the website had a really high bounce rate (indicating low number of interaction between users and the website. The users neither clicked nor scrolled) with average spent time on homepage only 27s.

📏 Process

How did we come up with the end result :

  1. Analyze and observe the quantitative data through google analytics
  2. Develop hypotheses for the low performing targeted metrics (example : number of download clicks)
  3. Validate the developed hypothesis through a quick research and qualitative measurement (if only available)
    1. Incorporating human image can increase more conversions Supporting research :
      1. Based on studies, human images in web design found that websites which include facial features stimulate the perception that the websites are trustworthy and therefore more appealing.
      2. A research found that using pictures of the artist (human image) vs his art work (mock-ups) resulted in an increase of 95% conversions.
    2. Using more contrasting color scheme will bring more conversions
      1. Studies: customers take about 90 seconds to make a decision and color influences 62-90% of this decision
      2. The current CTA does not provide much contrast
    3. Replacing the headline with something to guide audiences get the idea of the future benefits will bring more conversions
      1. Headlines creates the first impression. We can test whether a focus on benefit & using trigger words could help boost conversions
      2. Visitors are more likely to stay and convert if the headline covers the benefit.
  4. Prepare the experimentation material
    1. Brainstorm and benchmark what other players are doing
    2. Provide recommendation and create the lo-fi versions with Whimsical
    3. Coordinate with designers for implementing the changes
  5. Finalize success criteria metrics for the future experimentation results Before executing the the recommended ideas, always prepare the bare acceptance criteria to decide the successfulness of your recommendations. Don't forget to set how long your experimentations should be.
  6. Execute the ideas Along with waiting the experimentation material to be ready by design teams, as the growth team we can experiment first with the AB testing tools we are going to use Here I used google optimize.
  7. Observe, evaluate, and learn
    1. Observe the changes and decide accordingly with your successful metrics criteria
    2. Compile evaluations and learnings from your experimentation results
  8. Continue to iterate 😎

💠 Team and Role

The supporting tools to collaborate and iterate :

  1. Growth architect - Selvie

    → Lead the process, provide recommendations, and quality check the E2E process

  2. Designer - Justina, Amrisandha

    → Provided the UI mock up to be included

  3. Engineer - Ernest

    → Implement and publish the end results of design to website